Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sweet Talk-Stephanie Vaughn

Sweet Talk

Stephanie Vaughn

Other Press, Feb 28 2012, $14.95

ISBN: 9781590515167

This is a reprint of an excellent ten story collection first published as an anthology in 1990. Many of the entries deal with childhood, family and dogs who are key family members even after they go onto “Dog Heaven” (“Kid MacArthur” and the classic “Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog”). Others focus on young women dealing with issues like infidelity as an upset woman realizes her spouse impregnated her BFF in ``The Architecture of California'' and cheating is the norm for “Other Women.” In “Snow Angel,” a snowstorm traps a mother with no escape from her two children and in wintry weather a driver crashes into a police car musing “We're on TV in the Universe.” This is a strong collection throughout summed up nicely by an extended family identity in "My Mother Breathing Light."

Harriet Klausner

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